Wednesday, February 28, 2007 |
A book meme
1. Grab the nearest book 2. Open the book to page 123 3. Find the fifth sentence 4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions
This was a dry land. Just a short distance to the west lay the Kalahari, a hinterland of ochre that stretched off, for unimaginable miles, to the singing emptiness of the Namib. If she turned her tiny white van off one of the tracks that struck off from the mail road, she could drive for perhaps thirty or forty miles before her wheels would began to sink in the sand and spin hopelessly. from "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith That worked out nicely; the first two sentences were one of my favorite segments in the book.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: memes etc., reading posted by Nichole @ 8:19 AM
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Friday, February 09, 2007 |
Friday Feast No. 130
Appetizer Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with?
Just a strange, low-level, very-stuffy-in-the-morning sort of cold. (knock on wood)
Soup What colors dominate your closet?
Salad How would you describe your personal "comfort zone"?
I don't know how to answer this question.
Main Course On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant?
Gold Case
Dessert Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite?
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .
Please click here to join Nichole's Oscar pool. If that doesn't work, go to http://defectiveyeti.com/oscars/ and enter poll ID 24724. You could win an as-yet-to-be-determined something! Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:01 AM
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Friday, February 02, 2007 |
Friday Feast No. 129
Appetizer What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
Oh, there were so many! The French-rolled jeans and the giant, cockatoo bangs; the flannel shirts and the Docs ...
Soup Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
I have no clue.
Salad On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
I think I could do a much better job. No, I know I could do a much better job. The part of my job that I enjoy -- caring for and playing with Piper -- I don't really count as "work." The parts that I don't care for so much -- the cleaning of the house -- I would probably get a 2 in.
Main Course If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
It would be great if we could get someone to take over the lease on our apartment. I'd like to move closer to town.
Dessert Fill in the blank:
I love to stay inside when it is cold out.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 7:50 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Write From Karen says, "Cockatoo bangs ... that brought a laugh.
I remember spending HOURS on my big hair back in the 80's. Thank goodness flat is in! lol" (9:06 AM, February 02, 2007)
amy says, "Great feast and blog! I didnt do so much the big hair but I remember everyone else.that was a lot of hairspray" (9:42 AM, February 02, 2007)
suki says, "If you could advertise your apartment on Superbowl Sunday, I don't doubt that there will be people out ther elined up at the door. :P" (12:53 PM, February 02, 2007)
Raggedy says, "Great Friday Feast! My feast is up. Have a wonderful day! TGIF *^_^ (=':'=) (")_ (")Š Raggedy" (1:15 PM, February 02, 2007)
Heart of Rachel says, "I still remember the big hairstyle of the 80s. I laugh whenever I see my photos back then. It's so funny how you termed it Cuckatoo bangs. Nice one.
Thankf for sharing. Mine is up too." (11:34 AM, February 03, 2007)
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007 |
Magic 8 iPod
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
What does next year have in store for me? ... "Waste Time," The Fire Theft Sounds like nothing will be changing in '07 ...
What's my love life like? ... "Jackie Blue," Ozark Mountain Daredevils I don't really know what to make of that.
What do I say when life gets hard?... "Why Don't You Write Me?" Simon & Garfunkel
What do I think of on waking up? ... "Kate," Ben Folds Five Our former neighbor, Kate, moved to Alaska recently. I just heard from her a few days ago. They were having "unseasonably warm" weather -- it was 10F!
Favorite saying? ... "Faraway Cookies," Caitlin McEwan That's so spot-on it's scary. It's a song about cookies being "so high on the shelf." So we have shortness and cookie-eating. Yep.
Favorite place? ... "Into the Groove," Madonna Totally.
Drug of choice? ... "Holiday," Madonna I do love a vacation.
Describe myself. ... "If You Listen," Elizabeth Mitchell That's not very descriptive, is it?
What is the thing I like doing most? ... "Song for Junior," Beastie Boys Not far off. Junior and I do play music and dance quite a lot.
What is my state of mind like at the moment? ... "Prime of Life," Neil Young It has been a nice day thus far. via Verbatim. . . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: listening, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 10:30 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Amy says, "I'm definitely going to have to try this." (11:44 AM, January 23, 2007)
says, "So, I was bored @ work and pulled these of the Nate-Pod:
What does next year have in store for me? ... “Why Can’t I?” Liz Phair
What's my love life like? ... "Don’t Let Go” Weezer
What do I say when life gets hard?... “Come & Die” Fatal & Therapy? (Judgment Night soundtrack)
What do I think of on waking up? ... "18 & Life” Skid Row
Favorite saying? ... "My Own Worst Enemy” Lit
Favorite place? ... "Warning” Green Day
Drug of choice? ... "No One Said It Would Be Easy” Sheryl Crow
Describe myself. ... "Lounge Act” Nirvana
What is the thing I like doing most? ... "Mo Money, Mo Problems” Notorious BIG
What is my state of mind like at the moment? ... "Say You’ll Be There” Spice Girls" (1:36 PM, January 23, 2007)
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Friday, January 19, 2007 |
Friday Feast No. 127
Appetizer Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
I won't go so far as to say that I "refuse" to miss them, but I really enjoy "Gilmore Girls," "My Name Is Earl" and "The Office." I started watching "30 Rock" recently, too, and it's been consistently funny. I'm looking forward to the return of "Lost," even though I'm not holding out much hope that it's going to get better.
Soup Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
My mother-in-law, Genia. She called last night to tell me that Pictsweet had responded to a letter we wrote about the declining quality of the tiny green peas. (My father-in-law is very serious about his tiny green peas.) Pictsweet sent them four coupons for free vegetables! In my eyes, they've redeemed themselves.
Salad How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
Four. Two for me, two for Alex.
Main Course Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you'd love to have.
I'd love to have a printer that consistently works.
Dessert What is your favorite foreign food?
I had some fantastic crab wontons last night. And Kung Pao Scallops. And tomorrow night we're having bean nachoes, which is another of my favorites.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam, friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:11 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Hootin'Anni says, "Excellent feast.
Won't you come dine with us at Hootin' Anni's?
Happy Weekend." (11:29 AM, January 19, 2007)
kaliblue says, "Oh yummy fried crab wontons..Nachos are scrupmtious too:-). Fun Feast thanks for sharing.." (7:42 PM, January 19, 2007)
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Friday, January 12, 2007 |
Friday Feast No. 126
Appetizer What comes to your mind when you see the color orange?
Orange is a bright, cheery color. So ... bright, cherriness, I guess.
Soup Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for?
I had recently moved to a new school, and I wanted to make some friends. So, being the wise fourth-grader that I was, I thought it would help if I was mean. I wrote an "anonymous" mean note to a girl that someone had advised me to "stay away from." It apparently wasn't terribly anonymous, though. I got busted. And I still feel bad about writing the note.
Salad Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza?
Extra cheese, pineapple and pepperoni. Just this week we tried a pesto, red pepper and chicken pizza, though, and it was pretty darn awesome.
Main Course Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not?
No. I don't have any long-winded reasoning. I understand all of the "how could we be the only ones?" arguments. At my core, though, I just don't believe it.
Dessert What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
It's cream colored. I want to get some sort of cover for it (a duvet? is that what a duvet is?), but I haven't done that yet.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam, friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:05 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Sanni says, "Thanks for serving this yummy feast - hope you like to nibble my Feast =)" (10:06 AM, January 12, 2007)
Vader's Mom says, "Glad to see that you have great taste in pizza!" (8:37 PM, January 12, 2007)
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Friday, January 05, 2007 |
Friday Feast No. 125
Appetizer Which celebrity (or celebrities) do you think will make headlines this year?
Alex would vote for Ralph Macchio. The safe bet would be Britney, Lindsay and Paris. But I'm going to go with Matt Dillon. I think it's his year. Again.
Soup They say that good things come in small packages? What is something little that you think is great?
Piper's the greatest little person I've ever met. Other than that obvious answer: chocolate truffles; Malayan sun bears, M&Ms, iPods, small things jewelry, twiddlebugs.
Salad Name a song that makes you want to dance.
I was just working on a post about songs, and there were alot of them on that particular CD that made me want to dance. "Castanets" by Alejandro Escovedo, for example.
Main Course What is your favorite font?
I haven't given fonts a lot of thought in quite awhile. I was always fond of Verdana.
Dessert If you were to write a do-it-yourself article, what would it be about?
What an interesting question! I sent my sister-in-law a quick how-to on how to code hyperlinks just the other day. I don't know that that's really a DIY topic, though. My article would probably have something to do with cooking. I tried to make a batch of DIY Hostess cupcakes, but they didn't turn out so well. They were delicious, but they didn't look like cupcakes at all.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:27 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Hootin'Anni says, "Your feast is one great work of art!! Hmmmmmm, the song, Castenets. Sounds invitingly fun to dance to for sure.
Love your hostess cupcakes too.
Happy Friday. Do drop by and join me with some leftovers. A bit greasy and cold by now, but still edible! hehehehe" (10:52 AM, January 05, 2007)
Sue says, "Hey! As long as they taste good, who cares if they didn't look like cupcakes. ;)
Great Feast. Thanks for visiting!" (12:11 PM, January 05, 2007)
Christina says, "Thanks for visiting my feast today!
I'm a big fan of Verdana for high-volume typing. DIY Hostess cupcakes sound very yummy whether they look like cupcakes or not!
Happy Friday!" (12:15 PM, January 05, 2007)
Heart of Rachel says, "Thanks for sharing your feast. Love your soup. chocolate truffles are simply delightful. My son loves M&Ms and so do I. Love techie gadgets as well.
My feast is also served. Happy weekend!" (12:52 PM, January 05, 2007)
Chris says, "Who cares what cakes look like? It's all in the taste... ;-)" (1:27 PM, January 05, 2007)
masgblog says, "you say mmm to Prince William...and yes yes , but also mmm to Matt Dillon....good feast...thx!" (4:05 PM, January 05, 2007)
Jenny Ryan says, "M&M's...tasty!" (5:29 PM, January 05, 2007)
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Sunday, December 31, 2006 |
2006. A retrospective.
It's The All & Sundry Annual Year-End Meme Thing!
What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Flew solo with a baby. And then, a few months later, I flew solo with a toddler! It was easier to keep her occupied when she was a baby, but I had to carry more stuff on the later flight. So it's a toss-up.
Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don’t like to call them "resolutions" (too much pressure), and I can't remember whether I made any goals last year. If I did, it was probably much like this year's: Lose weight. In which case, no I did not keep it.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Um ... I don't think so. (If you did and I've forgotten, I'm so sorry!!)
Did anyone close to you die? Thankfully, no.
What countries did you visit? Ugh. Holland. It wasn't fun, and I don't want to talk about it.
What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? Less chaos would be nice.
What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? August 15 was Piper's first birthday!
What was your biggest achievement of the year? Coming home.
What was your biggest failure? Agreeing to go over there in the first place.
Did you suffer illness or injury? The whole family was leveled by a stomach virus in January. It brought about my first ride in an ambulance. I could've skipped that, thank you very much.
What was the best thing you bought? Plane tickets from Amsterdam to Atlanta.
Where did most of your money go? Oh gosh. Rent, most likely.
What did you get really, really, really excited about? The new season of "Lost." (Which was/has been pretty disappointing.)
What song will always remind you of 2006? Really, I have a terrible memory. There's no way I'll remember what I was listening to this year.
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? That last question? Where I said I can't remember anything? I wasn't kidding. I don't remember how I was feeling this time last year. b) thinner or fatter? About that same. I don't need to remember that. I have photographic evidence. c) richer or poorer? Roughly the same, I think.
What do you wish you'd done more of? Exercising.
What do you wish you'd done less of? Eating cake.
Did you fall in love in 2006? Yes. (Cue the sappy, la-la-la music.) With Alex, all over again. Cheesy but true.
What was your favorite TV program? I wanted it to be "Lost," but that didn't pan out. "The Office" rarely fails to make me laugh.
What was the best book you read? "Gilead." "Peace Like a River." "The Quiet American."
What was your greatest musical discovery? Cat Power
What did you want and get? Contentment. Happiness. A home that feels like home.
What did you want and not get? A digital SLR camera. Trust me, the what-I-wanted-and-got is so, so much better. I can handle not having the fancy-pants camera.
What was your favorite film of this year? We didn't see a lot of movies this year. I enjoyed "Stranger than Fiction" quite a bit.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I spent my birthday with my sister-in-law and her family. We had cake for breakfast, and then some of Chloe's friends came over for dinner. We had tacos and soup and salad, and it was an all-around lovely day. I was, and remain, 28.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Do I have to answer this? OK, fine. Not moving to Holland. That would've helped tremendously. It would have alleviated so much stress.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? Ha! Ha ha! My "personal fashion concept"? How 'bout: Things That Fit and Don’t Touch Me Too Much. Oh! And I added to my repertoire this year.
What kept you sane? God's grace.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Ack. Can I say none of the above? None of the above.
What political issue stirred you the most? I've been too wrapped up in personal issues to get all that stirred over politics.
Who was the best new person you met? I haven't met many new people this year.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006. The events of 2006 have made me determined not to fold in the face of my dear, sweet husband's ironclad stubborn streak.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 10:43 PM
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Friday, December 29, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 124
Appetizer How do you usually celebrate on New Year's Eve?
Most years we stay home and, if we're feeling particularly festive, we might break open a bottle of bubbly grape juice. I know, we're totally crazy. This year, though, we're actually going out to dinner! And then we'll come home sometime before midnight to toast with the grape juice. We moved back into the Eastern time zone this year, so it'll be the first time in years that we'll actually be watching the ball drop at midnight rather than 11pm. I'm actually pretty excited about that.
Soup Name one thing unexpected that happened to you in 2006.
Holland. We moved there, and then (a whole week later) we moved back. It wasn't a fun time.
Salad Where was your favorite place that you visited in 2006?
Harbor Island, SC. We had an unexpected vacation at the beach, and it marked the end of a lot of chaos for our family.
Main Course What resolution is your top priority for 2007?
I don't normally make resolutions, and I'm hesitant to call this a "resolution" because it seems like it would be too easy to fall away from if I do that. But I'd like to lose about 40 pounds in 2007.
Dessert Using just three words, describe 2006.
Things fall apart. I know that sounds depressing, but a good part of 2006 felt like we were falling apart. Rest easy, though. We're all better now.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: flotsam/jetsam, friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:24 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Hootin'Anni says, "Very tasty menu for us.
Seems the soup is more interesting....I'm not sure I could handle that quick for moving again. LOL
Happy New Year. My feast is served, hope you can drop by before the NYC ball falls. LOL" (10:17 AM, December 29, 2006)
says, "Hello Esmon family! Chris and I just got your Christmas photo and it was lovely. I hope you had a great Christmas and have a fabulous new year. Sinead" (10:46 AM, December 29, 2006)
Shawnee says, "Glad to hear things are better for you now. Health & happiness in 2007!" (10:52 AM, December 29, 2006)
Soulful_SensitiveStreak says, "Thanks for sharing your feast. I hope that you'll have a better year ahead with the promise of happiness and wonderful opportunities.
Rach" (12:02 PM, December 29, 2006)
Ma says, "I'm glad things got better for you. Great feast! And I hope that 2007 is a much better and happier year. :)" (12:08 PM, December 29, 2006)
local girl says, "I can't imagine moving twice in one week. Hope 2007 brings you more stability. Happy Friday!" (2:23 PM, December 29, 2006)
Judy says, "Happy Friday. Here's hoping the New Year brings a lot of happiness. And... hope there won't be any more quick moves!" (4:54 PM, December 29, 2006)
Jenny Ryan says, "Hope 2007 is a better year for you." (9:03 PM, December 29, 2006)
amy says, "GOod job..Holland has always sounded beautiful. happy 2007" (12:48 AM, December 30, 2006)
says, "There's another time zone besides the Central time zone?!?" (12:30 PM, December 30, 2006)
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Friday, December 22, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 122
Appetizer What is one of your Christmas traditions?
Alex and I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on Christmas Eve.
Soup Who is the easiest person on your list to buy presents for?
Piper. She isn't terribly discriminating yet. She loves everything.
Salad What is your favorite Christmas scent?
Main Course If you could give a fellow blogger a Christmas gift, who would it be and what would you give them?
I'd like to give Tia back to Taina. Tia was with Taina's family for 16 months, and it breaks my heart that she has gone back to live with her birth mother. I can't imagine how Taina feels. I'm in awe of her strength and her faith.
Dessert What's something on your Christmas wish list this year that you need (not just want)?
I don't think there's anything I really need, when you get right down to it.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 2:09 PM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Amanda says, "Our desserts were similar and your main course was really nice!" (2:39 PM, December 22, 2006)
Crutcher Fam says, "Thanks Nichole. Reading that made me cry. . .That would be the BEST Christmas present EVER!!!" (10:17 PM, December 22, 2006)
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: Arthur Constantin Krebs!
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
Arthur Constantin Krebs (November 16, 1850 in Vesoul, France - March 22, 1935 in Quimperle, France) was a French officer and pioneer in automotive engineering.
Collaborating with Charles Renard, he piloted the first fully controlled free-flight made in the French Army airship La France, which was designed in 1884. The electric-powered flight covered 8 km (5 miles) in 23 minutes. It was the first full round trip flight with a landing on the starting point. On its seven flights the La France dirigible returned five times to its starting point.
Krebs shared the 1886 Ponti prize of the French Academie des sciences, with Charles Renard, for their contribution to Aerostation.
Krebs inspired Jules Verne, in Verne's novel "Robur The Conqueror" written in 1886, he tells "the striking experiments of Captain Krebs and Captain Renard."
In 1888 Krebs and Gustave Zede designed the first modern French submarine, the Gymnote. The submarine was fitted with the first naval periscope and the first naval electric gyrocompass. The latter allowed the Gymnote to force a naval block in 1890. From 1884 to 1897 Arthur Krebs modernized the Ville de Paris fire department; not only its equipment but its organisation as well. His work left a lasting impression in this elite corps up until this very day.
In May 1896 Arthur Krebs patented a new automobile, fitted with an electromagnetic gearbox and a front drive-train which recentred itself when the steering wheel was left alone, today this is known as the Castor Angle. Panhard-Levassor acquired a license to build 500 cars under the name of Clement-Panhard between 1898 and 1902 featuring the latter inovation.
Krebs succeeded Levassor as Panhard-Levassor's General Manager from 1897 to 1916. He transformed the Panhard-Levassor Company to become one of the largest and most profitable automobile manufacturers before WWI.
In 1902 Krebs invented the automatic diaphragm carburettor which gave cars continuous power during acceleration providing a constant air-fuel ratio at all times; this also led to dramatic increase in fuel economy.
In 1906 Krebs traveled to the United States of America to plead in the Selden Case, associated with Henry Ford.
Krebs introduced many improvements in car design : the steering wheel (1898), non-reversible steering (1898), engine balance (1898), nickel steel alloys and other special steel alloys (1901), the shock absorber (1906), multi-disc clutch (1907), the electric brake dynamometer for testing high performance engines (1905), the global worm screw differential (1915).
Also, Krebs contributed significantly to improve the Systeme Panhard which became universally adopted before WWII.
In 1909, he became interested in the Knight patent (sleeve-valve engine) and was first in France to build that type of engine which Panhard-Levassor would produce during the thirty years leading up to World War II.
He made contributions to automotive racing with his powerful cars and motorboats.
In 1911 Krebs invented the first elastomeric flexible coupling (cf. John Piotrowski). It is known in French as the Flector joint. This device is still widely used today in industry for power transmission as a tyre coupling.
The truck was meant for military and civil purposes. Krebs designed it in 1911, jointly with the Chatillon Co, the all-terrain truck named Tracteur Chatillon-Panhard, had four wheel drive and four wheel steering. Many of these trucks have been used during the World War I as artillery tractors.
Krebs also utilized his former military membership to supply the French Army with engines and vehicles including the 1904 Genty Armored car, the 1916 St Chamond tank, the Chatillon-Panhard 4x4 truck, and others.
"Global worm screw differential" indeed. My first thought was of Maynard G. Krebs.
Wiki Wednesday is a little something started by Verbatim.
. . . . . the end . . . . .Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 6:36 PM
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Friday, December 15, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 121
Appetizer What was your very first job with a paycheck?
My dad signed me and my step-sister up to work at the GM family fun fair one summer. I think I was 13 or 14. My step-sister weaseled out of it somehow. I ended up working the tic-tac-toe beanbag toss for two whole afternoons. I think I made something like $30. And thus, my career as a carny was born.
Soup Did you ever lose something really important to you?
I had a miscarriage before we had Piper, and it crushed me. And that's all I have to say about that. (Except to say this: I don't think this question was looking for that sort of answer. But that's the first thing I thought of. So. I don't think I've ever mentioned the miscarriage on here before, and now I've just sort of tossed it out there and it feels very strange.)
Salad What is the best Christmas present you ever received?
Gosh, I don't know.
Main Course Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school.
I grew up in a pretty small town, so there weren't really many places to "hang out." We spent a lot of time at friends' houses, I guess.
Dessert Name something that always brings a smile to your face.
Puppies. And rainbows.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions." ..... the end .....Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:26 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Amy says, "Puppie and rainbows? You are a nut. Kitties for sure." (9:40 AM, December 15, 2006)
Shawnee says, "So sorry about your miscarriage. I'm sure that was difficult to share on here." (11:28 AM, December 15, 2006)
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Friday, December 08, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 121
Appetizer Which language would you like to learn, and why?
Spanish. We were at the health clinic with Piper this summer, trying to get her shots, and a woman came in who didn't speak English, and apparently no one on staff there spoke Spanish. The receptionist just sort of pointed at a stack of papers, and the woman looked so confused and upset. I wanted to help her, but I don't speak Spanish, so I couldn't. I bought a learn-to-speak-Spanish program a few months ago. It's one of my 2007 Goals.
Soup What's the funniest thing you've heard or read so far this week?
I watched "Scrubs" last night, so it was probably somewhere on there.
Salad Which movie was so bad you couldn't watch the whole thing?
"Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby." We went with my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and father-in-law. My father-in-law walked out within the first 20 minutes. The rest of us followed pretty soon afterward. It was so disappointingly awful.
Main Course If there were a holiday in your honor that didn't use your actual name, what would it be called?
I don't know. Maybe Watch TV in Your Jammies While Indulding in an Ice Cream Sundae Day.
Dessert Name one movie that is coming out soon that you would like to see
The Will Smith one that I'm pretty sure will make me cry.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions." ..... the end .....Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:47 AM
. . . . . comments . . . . .
Wystful1 says, "The Pursuit of Happyness? It DOES look good. If that's the one....the little boy(played by Will Smith's real son) and of course, Will Smith?
Lovely feast. Mine's served." (9:22 AM, December 08, 2006)
ccap says, "Oh yeah, Scrubs was a hoot - especially the scene where he ordered only 22 fries instead of 23. He, he." (9:46 AM, December 08, 2006)
Sanni says, "Thanks for the delicious feast! Happy "Watch TV in Your Jammies While Indulding in an Ice Cream Sundae Day" from Germany, san" (9:56 AM, December 08, 2006)
Caylynn says, "Nice feast. :) The Will Smith movie does look very good (and I've enjoyed most of the movies he's done.) I like your main course too - sounds like a great holiday. :)
Have a good weekend. :)" (10:48 AM, December 08, 2006)
Shawnee says, "GREAT main course! I want to see "The Pursuit of Happyness" too. I love Will Smith!" (12:47 PM, December 08, 2006)
Chateau says, "I'd love to see The Pursuit of Happiness too. That sounds like a yummy main course! Mine's up. :)" (1:50 PM, December 08, 2006)
tiggerprr says, "Great Holiday Idea!" (6:20 PM, December 08, 2006)
Vader's Mom says, "SCRUBS rocks! I'm so glad to know we aren't the only people who watch that show." (7:51 PM, December 08, 2006)
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Thursday, December 07, 2006 |
Q & A
Beth at Diary of a Playgroup Dropout has been answering some Frequently Asked Questions this week. Today, she's asking the questions. And I'm answering.
Did you ever have a really bad nickname? What was it? Ok, if you had a regular nickname that wasn't really bad you can tell me that too, but all of us who had really bad nicknames will know forevermore that you aren't really one of us. My dad used to call me Punkydunk every now and then. I don't think it was often enough to call it a "nickname," though. From what I've been told, my maternal grandfather christianed me Nikki when I was a baby. And that's what I was known as until I went to college. Some people still call me Nikki. You have to have special permission to do that, though.
Do you floss? Be honest. I bought some little purple dinosaur flossing thingies, and I always feel better about myself when I actually remember to use them. Which is rarely.
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Cats.
Are you fatter now than you were before you had kids, or do I have to hate you? Almost exactly the same, I think. I don't really remember. My weight flucuated quite a bit in the few years before we had Piper.
How do you get that black gunk out of the grout in your shower? Grout? That would imply that we had tile, right? Ha.
If you could put aside money and the fear of looking like a selfish, greedy greedy greedypants, what would you like to receive for the Upcoming Winter Holiday of Your Choice? Alex and I were just discussing this the other day. I chose a Nikon D70. Or a house.Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:59 PM
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Friday, November 24, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 119
Appetizer Have you ever changed a flat tire by yourself?
Yes, once. It's a hazy memory. It was sometime during high school, which was more than 10 years ago now, and all I remember is that it was hard to get the bolt thingies off. (Yeah, that's the technical term.)
Soup Do you have an "innie" or an "outie" belly button?
Salad Name a new paint color and describe it.
I can't do that. That side of my brain is still in bed.
Main Course What is your favorite holiday tradition?
I started a new holiday tradition last year that means a lot to me. Last year was Piper's first Christmas, and I went out by myself one day to find a special ornament just for her. I'd like to find an ornament display tree to put up each year with her ornaments, but they're not going to go on the big tree until she has a home and a tree of her very own.
Dessert If you were a cookie, what kind would you be, and why?
I asked Alex to answer this one. Here's what he said: "If you were a cookie, I'd say you would be a sugar cookie. Because you like to be unassuming and you prefer not to stand out and you want to just kind of remain present but not the focal point." He did not add that I am sweet. Hm.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:19 AM
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Sanni says, "Thanks for the yummy feast... wonderful main course, btw.
Wishing a great weekend! Sanni from Germany" (10:11 AM, November 24, 2006)
Celfyddydau says, "Love that new tradition you are starting.
He didn't say you were sweet because he probably thought that there was no need to." (10:54 AM, November 24, 2006)
Barbara H. says, "That's a neat holiday tradition -- I wish I had started that when my boys were little.
That was sweet about the sugar cookie. :)
Lovely feast!" (11:14 AM, November 24, 2006)
ccap says, "Oooh, I like the cookie answer. Good job, Alex!" (2:45 PM, November 24, 2006)
says, "Great Main Course! My husband has given me an ornament every year we've been together & I treasure them." (11:46 PM, November 24, 2006)
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation!
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
The Darrell Green Youth Life Foundation (DGYLF) is a faith-based 501(c)(3) organization started by former Washington Redskins cornerback Darrell Green. The Foundation's mission is to "help children develop into leaders who positively influence their families and communities." Specifically, the Foundation runs after-school and summer programs for elementary school age children that focus academics, friendship, and values. The DGYLF has no formal relationship with the local public school system, but focuses on teaching children age 5 to 11 in reading, writing, math, and english. Funding for their activities comes from other foundations, corporations, individuals, churches, the government, and special events.
A little something started by Verbatim. Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:38 AM
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Monday, November 20, 2006 |
I'm 'Platoon.'
Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:54 AM
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Alex says, "I'm "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"" (10:16 AM, November 20, 2006)
says, "hehee i was "Schindler's List." weird :)" (1:39 PM, November 20, 2006)
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Friday, November 17, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 118
Appetizer Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
No. Not without Fox Mulder around to convince me otherwise.
Soup What is one thing you said you'd never do, but you eventually did?
I always said I'd never let my children watch "too much" television. I've found that "too much" is a pretty amorphous term. Most days, Pi watches "Sesame Street" in the morning and a video with Alex after he gets home from work. Under my pre-parenting definition, that would have been "too much." These days, it's just right.
Salad Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?
Her name escapes me right now, but it was my fifth-grade teacher. She forced me to memorize the multiplication tables. I think it was the first time I actually applied myself.
Main Course If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
Oprah, but only on her day off.
Dessert What is your favorite dish to prepare?
Ice cream sundaes.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:48 AM
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says, "I love that you call Piper "pi" ! too cute and I agree with you about the tv thing. *says this while Levi is upstairs watching scooby doo* at least your childs program is educational! ha!" (9:51 AM, November 17, 2006)
says, "Nice feast. :) "Too much" is definitely a relative term! Yummy dessert. :)
Happy Friday and have a good weekend. :)" (11:04 AM, November 17, 2006)
Logtar says, "Oprah has days off? that's right she does have that Hawaii home or something or other." (12:28 PM, November 17, 2006)
KaY says, "Ahahaha! Does Oprah ever get a day off?
Come dine with me. I'm up!" (7:49 PM, November 17, 2006)
Jane says, "I love your dessert!!! YUMMO. Thanks for stopping by for a nibble at my table and thanks also for your sweet comment. Have a great day." (10:57 AM, November 19, 2006)
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: Agent One-Half!
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
Agent One-Half is an action-comedy film scheduled for release in the United States in 2007, starring, written and produced by Warwick Davis, who is best known as playing in the fantasy film Willow. Davis plays the title character, a dwarf secret agent who attempts to stop the film's antagonist, "The Heel", from sinking California to the bottom of the ocean.
A little something started by Verbatim. Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 11:11 PM
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Self Awareness
Things I learned about myself at lunch today while wasting time taking internet personality quizzes: I am a martini; I am 44% open minded; I am french food; I am 37% American; I am a Mondrian; I am 63% liberal; I am very honest; I am a cream pie; I am a centaur; and last but not least, the recent president that I am most like: Bill Clinton.
here's my favorite description of the "tests" I took:
You Are a Glazed Donut |  Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that. You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness. Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you. And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten. |
Labels: memes etc. posted by Alex @ 12:42 PM
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Alex says, "By the way, This was a posting from Alex, not Nichole. Sorry for any confusion." (12:54 PM, November 08, 2006)
Amy says, "Well, Alex, I, too, am a glazed donut. That's for all the insight into you!" (1:51 PM, November 08, 2006)
Nichole says, "Perfect! Glazed donuts are my favorite." (1:59 PM, November 08, 2006)
Alex says, "Yeah, it seemed like an appropriate choice to me. Somedays, I wish I was made out of doughnut because then when I got hungry I could just chew on my finger and get a snack." (2:13 PM, November 08, 2006)
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |
Getting to know me
This is another of those e-mail forwards that I'm turning into a blog post. Woo to the hoo, right?
What is your occupation? Mom to Piper.
What color are your socks right now? Pink, yellow and orange stripes
What are you listening to right now? Witty banter on "Gilmore Girls."
What was the last thing that you ate? Caesar salad.
Can you drive a stick shift? Of course! My first car, an '87 Volkswagen Jetta, was a stick shift, so I had to learn.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cerulean.
Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mother-in-law, Genia.
Do you like the person who sent this to you? Absolutely!
How old are you today? 28
Favorite drink? Root beer.
What is your favorite sport to watch? Ballroom dancing.
Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes. Last Thursday. Highlighting counts as dye, right?
What is your spouse's best feature? Alex has beautiful eyes. And he's the nicest man on Earth.
If you could have dinner with any historical figure or famous person, who would it be? Bruce Springsteen.
Favorite food? Ice cream.
What was the last movie you watched? "The Departed."
Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve. What do you do to vent anger? Eat, sadly enough.
What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie
What is your favorite: fall or spring? Fall
Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
What TV show would you like to be on? "Gilmore Girls"
Living arrangements? With Alex and Piper.
When was the last time you cried? I don't recall.
What is on the floor of your closet? Clothes
What did you do last night? I read a little, then watched "CSI Miami" and worked on my nanowrimo project.
Favorite smells? Fresh baby and cookies.
What inspires you? My family.
Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese
Favorite dog breed? Dachsund
Number of keys on your key ring? Five
How many years at your current job? Almost 15 months
Favorite day of the week? Saturday
How many states have you lived in? Three
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? No.
Who's your favorite NFL team? No football for me, thank you.
Do you have a house phone that is NOT cordless? No.
10 inches of snow or 100-degree weather? Snow. What would be your dream job? I'm doing it.
Favorite sport or activity to play? Um ... does scrapbooking count?
Favorite type of music? I have pretty ecletic tastes. My favorite is Wilco, though.
Your favorite age? Twenty-eight is going pretty well so far. Twenty-seven had its moments, but it also included the whole Holland thing. So. It doesn't make the cut.
Do you like getting these e-mails? This was a really long one, but for the most part, I do. I'll admit it. I like 'em.
Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:20 PM
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Thursday, November 02, 2006 |
Four things
Amy sent me an email forward titled "Four Things About Me: Things you may not have known about me." I filled it out as ordered and sent it back to her. Then I decided to post most of it here, too. And I added a catch: One item in each category isn't true! Ha! Can you spot the fake?
Four jobs I have had in my life 1. movie theater concessionaire 2. phone psychic 3. Mary Kay lady 4. hotel desk clerk
Four Movies I have watched over and over 1. Groundhog Day 2. Shawshank Redemption 3. The Shining 4. Weekend at Bernie's
Four places I have lived 1. Franklin NC 2. Columbia MO 3. Bay City MI 4. Asheville NC
Four TV shows I love to watch 1. The Bachelor 2. Dancing with the Stars 3. Gilmore Girls 4. Lost
Four places I have been on vacation 1. Baudette, MN 2. Pigeon Forge, TN 3. Paris, France 4. Branson, MO
Four of my favorite foods 1. crab rangoon 2. nachos 3. banana pudding 4. ice cream
Four places I would rather be right now 1. Holland 2. I'm very happy where I am 3. I could tell you some people I would like to have here with me. 4. But that wasn't the question, was it?Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 12:02 PM
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: SuperGrid!
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
The SuperGrid is a proposed power grid which would use liquid hydrogen both as a fuel source and as insulation around the advanced powerlines so as to cool them down and render them superconducting.
A little something started by Verbatim. Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 3:52 PM
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
My Literary Personality
| You scored as A coloring book. Children love you--and so do many adults. They find you approachable, simple and friendly, all of which perfectly describe you. Instead of throwing big words around, you communicate in the international language of pictures. In order to be as open as possible, you present yourself simply, allowing those around you to customize you to their liking. Sometimes this results in you turning into a primitive masterpiece, and other times you resemble a schizophrenic's daydream. So long as the one talking to you understands you, you're happy. Zen and the art of crayon-sharpening.
A coloring book | | 54% | A paperback romance novel | | 43% | Poetry | | 43% | The back of a froot loops box | | 43% | An electronics user's manual | | 43% | A classic novel | | 32% | A college textbook | | 25% |
Your Literary Personality created with QuizFarm.com |
Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 5:47 PM
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Alex says, "I'm poetry." (8:06 AM, November 01, 2006)
Nichole says, "You would be, you ol' softy." (9:34 AM, November 01, 2006)
Amy says, "i'm 64% poetry." (3:01 PM, November 01, 2006)
ccap says, "Oh man. I'm embarrassed. I'm a college textbook. And everything it said suggested that I'm stuck-up and people are bored with me. I think I'll just head to bed.
Sob." (10:37 PM, November 01, 2006)
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Friday, October 27, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 117
Appetizer Create a new candle scent.
Clean baby.
Soup Name one way you show affection to others.
I love to cook, and I like to feed the people I love.
Salad What is your favorite writing instrument?
It used to be a pen my dad gave me one year for Christmas, but I rarely write longhand anymore. So it would have to be the computer, I suppose.
Main Course If you were given $25 to spend anywhere online, from which site would you buy?
I would buy these earrings at Arbor Beading.
Dessert Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?
No costume for me.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:17 AM
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FRIDAY'S CHILD says, "Your appetizer is really great. Mine's up too and Happy Halloween." (11:34 AM, October 27, 2006)
Jessica says, "I LOVE smelling a clean baby too! :)" (11:42 AM, October 27, 2006)
Shawnee says, "No one writes longhand anymore! I don't know how Hallmark stays in business! :-)" (2:05 PM, October 27, 2006)
PresentStorm says, "I Love to cook too. I think it is a very nice way to show affection!" (3:57 PM, October 27, 2006)
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: Matteo Sereni!
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
Matteo Sereni (born February 11, 1975 Parma) is an Italian football goalkeeper who currently plays for Treviso. He started his career at Sampdoria and was loaned out to A.C. Crevalcore in 1994. He returned to Sampdoria and only made 10 appearances, before being transferred to Piacenza Calcio in 1997. Here he helped the club avoid relegation to Serie B but in 1998, he transferred to Empoli F.C., where he failed to avoid relegation. In 1999, he returned to Sampdoria in Serie B, made 75 (out of 76) Serie B appearances. In 2001, UEFA Cup competitor Ipswich Town signed him for €7.5million, one of the highest transfer fees paid by the club. He also failed to avoid relegation with Ipswich and was and loaned to Brescia in 2002. In 2003, he transferred to Lazio, to compete for number one goalkeeper at the club with Angelo Peruzzi. In 2004, he is the started for the club for both legs of Coppa Italia final against Juventus and played the matches in 2005 Intertoto Cup, where Lazio went out to Olympique de Marseille in the semi-finals. In January 2006, he was loaned out to Treviso, with Samir Handanovic on loan to Lazio.
A little something started by Verbatim. Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 4:28 PM
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Friday, October 20, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 116
Appetizer What is your favorite beverage?
Sweet tea.
Soup Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.
I don't have a computer desk. But here are three things on the counter where my computer is sitting: Piper's piggy bank; two grapefruits; my address book.
Salad On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
9. There are always those "How does my hair look" or "How is your burger?" moments, so I can't say 10.
Main Course If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
I don't think I have an answer to this question.
Dessert What stresses you out? What calms you down?
Money stresses me out; Alex calms me down.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:27 AM
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says, "Nice feast. :) My salad is similar to yours, and I didn't really have an answer for the main course either!
Have a good weekend. :)" (10:15 AM, October 20, 2006)
Paperback Writer says, "I love sweet tea. I didn't remember it!" (12:55 PM, October 20, 2006)
meowminx says, "I think money stresses out most people, esp the lack of it.
Mine's up at http://www.meowminx.com/babygem, although it's a day late :)" (5:37 PM, October 21, 2006)
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 |
Wiki Wednesday: Adolf Hitler's inspection of the German Workers' Party
1. Go to Wikipedia. 2. Click on "Random article" in the left-hand sidebar box. 3. Post it!
Corporal Adolf Hitler was ordered in September, 1919 to investigate a small group in Munich known as the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP), which had only 54 members at the time. The use of the term "workers" attracted the attention of the German Army which was now involved in crushing Marxist uprisings. The army assigned Hitler to determine the nature of the DAP and whether it could pose any threat.
On September 12, dressed in civilian clothes, Hitler went to a meeting of the DAP in the back room of a Munich beer hall, with about twenty-five people. He listened to a speech by Gottfried Feder. After the speech, Hitler got ready to leave when a man rose up and spoke in favour of the German State of Bavaria breaking away from Germany and forming a new South German nation with Austria. The enraged Hitler spoke out forcefully against the man for the next fifteen minutes uninterrupted, to the astonishment of everyone. One of the founders of the DAP, Anton Drexler, reportedly whispered: "he's got the gift of the gab. We could use him."
After Hitler's outburst ended, Drexler hurried to Hitler and gave him a forty page pamphlet entitled: "My Political Awakening." He urged Hitler to read it and also invited him to come back again, despite his behaviour.
Over the next few days, Hitler read the pamphlet, written by Drexler, and was delighted to find that it reflected political thinking much like his own - building a strong nationalist, pro-military, anti-semitic party made up of working class people. A few days later, Hitler received an unexpected postcard saying he had been accepted as a member into the DAP. He was asked to attend an executive committee meeting, which he did. At that meeting he was joyfully welcomed as a new member although he was actually very undecided on whether to join.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes the conditions of the party: "...aside from a few directives, there was nothing, no program, no leaflet, no printed matter at all, no membership cards, not even a miserable rubber stamp..."
Although unimpressed by the current condition of the DAP, Hitler believed it presented him with an opportunity to mould a political group after his own views. In this disorganised party, Hitler saw potential:
"This absurd little organisation with its few members seemed to me to possess the one advantage that it had not frozen into an 'organisation,' but left the individual opportunity for real personal activity. Here it was still possible to work, and the smaller the movement, the more readily it could be put into the proper form. Here, the content, the goal, and the road could still be determined..."
He spent two days thinking it over and then decided.
"... I finally came to the conviction that I had to take this step... It was the most decisive resolve of my life. From here there was and could be no turning back."
Adolf Hitler joined the committee of the German Workers' Party and thus entered politics.
A little something started by Verbatim. Labels: memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 9:11 AM
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Friday, October 13, 2006 |
Friday Feast No. 115
Appetizer Approximately how many hours per week do you spend reading other blogs?
A total of three, maybe. I have a long, long list of blogs I frequent. I don't spend alot of time at each one, but it takes awhile to get through the list.
Soup Your community wants everyone to give one thing to put into a time capsule. What item would you choose to include?
An iPod Nano, so the Future People can laugh at our bulky, primitive "technology" while they download music directly into their brains. That's right. The future will be creepy. George Orwell taught us that.
Salad What is the most interesting tourist attraction you've ever visited?
I met Johnny Cash's mom at the Johnny Cash museum. That was interesting. I was very young, though, and didn't appreciate it at all at the time.
Main Course If you could give an award to anyone for anything, who would it be and what would the award be titled?
The Mary Poppins Award, to my sister-in-law. We tease her about being "practically perfect in every way," but I really am in awe at how together she is. She's a stay-at-home mom who homeschools three children, and still she has a clean house and makes dinner most every night. And she volunteers. She's the mom I try to model myself after.
But I worry about her, that she doesn't reserve enough time for herself. So the prize for the Mary Poppins Award would be a housekeeper and a week alone at the Miraval Resort. Obviously, Oprah would be involved in giving the MPA. So my sister-in-law would probably be getting a car and some pretty, pretty baubles as well.
Dessert What do you think your favorite color reveals about your personality?
That I'm indecisive. I can't settle on a single favorite. I like purple and pink. And blue. And brown.
The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to "feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions."Labels: friday feast, memes etc. posted by Nichole @ 8:05 AM
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amy says, "i love the mary poppins award.." (12:09 PM, October 13, 2006)
Ghost says, "What a great award. Your sister sounds like she really deserves it.
Have a Great Weekend!" (1:30 PM, October 13, 2006)
Danella says, "What an interesting feast. Great award title.
Mine is up too." (6:58 AM, October 14, 2006)
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